Saturday 19 July 2008

I Want To Go Home

This year in Neptun everything sucks monkey balls. The atmosphere is rotten as rotten eggs. The boss is constantly mad at everyone. The co-workers can't seem to see eye to eye. Everything's fucked up beyond words. It hasn't been working from the word go.

Yesterday CR had an outburst in the middle of the cafe for no apparent reason. We've all been under fire and the most unfortunate thing was the guests who were able to witness the whole thing. She and MC had a quarrel about shifts they're supposed to work today and I just fled. Seriously. I just left. It was unbearable. I just didn't want no part of it. CR was sorry later, really, but just because she's clearly mentally unstable, it doesn't justify her.

Today the boss went berserk because the parasols at the terrace weren't up. I mean, really! If that's the biggest problem, he should get on his knees and thank the Lord. I understand that there was much more to the issue than just that but still. That was no reason for him to go crazy and even more so, he complained about us to the practically entire village who were sitting at the dinner table. Call me crazy, but I believe there's a better way of dealing with issues than dragging everyone and anyone into the discussion of the work related problems.

The thing is, I don't like it here. I'm unhappy. I was excited about coming, Neptun's felt like home almost. but now that's not how it is. It truly is Siberia, as Fuzzy from LJ would put it. Nothing we do is good enough. CR might even get fired over what happened yesterday, the boss said so more than once today. Sadly, crazy as she may be, we need her. The work gets overwhelming sometimes (weekends, usually), and let's face it, if MC and I are left alone in this, the mistakes will only multiply. It won't solve the problems, it will only cause more of them.

I don't know what to do. Money's never been the most important thing to me. Sure, earning some spending money is awesome, but I was looking forward to being here, with these peple, in this place. This place that I'm beginning to hate. Money's not worth losing my peace of mind. It just isn't and honestly, there's little keeping me here at this point.

11 spoke back:

Sarah K. said...

Siberia is actually pretty cool. I mean ... if the void doesn't freak you out that is.

Go home. Go where you feel safe. If Neptun is no longer the refugee you thought it was, there is no point in staying any longer and basically digging your own watery grave. You'll break down before you have any chance to do any substantial justifying the lame-ass paycheck CR is giving you in exchange of being her one of many scapegoats.

Krissie said...

CR is not my boss, she's my Crazy Roommate. My boss is a guy who's actually a person with the heart in the right place but his temperamental and... well, apparently has zero business running skills.

I dunno. I think they really need me, especially if CR does get sent home but man, I dunno. It's hard.

Sarah K. said...

Oh, ok. I need to catch up on stuff and read the archive.

but the jist of my comment remains the same. there's no "ifs" if the situation is putting you in such a state. IF your boss suddenly gets a brain, IF your crazy roommate is suddenly on meds ... those are conditions that are very unreliable in the timing of their occurrance, and very unlikely to make the situation any better for you in the short term. Even if it did, in a perfect universe, the bitter taste of the last few days would remain on your tongue.

You need a well-deserved break. Take it. You don't have to put up with anyone's shit, no matter how much they "need" you to clean up after their mess. Which is no one's job description, really.

Krissie said...

You're very right.
Well, the word is out of how I feel anyway so I'll give it a few days and see how it goes. And then... well, there's no place like home.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww! I'm sos orry to read you're not feeling good in Neptun.
Despite of all the stories I thought you were having fun. You'll laugh your ass off when you'll remember that Summer in the future.

But if you don't feel right there, then girl, it's time to go Home. I followed that advice and it worked for me!

Sassy Blondie said...

Krissie, I'm so very sorry your time there has not been what you wanted and needed. How much longer are you there?

I think staying out of the drama is very wise. You want to get out of there with a good reputation and reference, right? Hang in there, and (not to sound condescending or anything) just know that this experience with difficult people and situations will serve you well in the future. Believe me, I speak from experience, you will have learned invaluable things from your time there that will be helpful to you later.


LadyN said...


I mean not here, but your home. Unless you'd like to come to Boston, which i doubt. There are no men here, btw. Not the point though...anyway point is go Anywhere! Get away from those crazy people!!!

Your sanity is most important! :-/

D-HOR said...

Alright girlie you're caught up in the classic whirl-wind a nasty work situation. Nasty boss starts it all off putting everyone in shit hole moods and it all goes down hill from there. Everybodys mad at the boss but can't do anything about it - they're frustrated and upset so they start to seeth and take it out where ever possible. Along with that comes the super in-flux of gossip and bitching about one another over every and all little thing gone wrong - you start LOOKING for shit to be pissed about - blah blah blah it get's nastier and nastier the more people bitch because feelings get heightened and built up farther every day, there's tons of resentment just a flyin' around - does this sound familiar at all?

Throw in a crazy roomate and it's a sick situation. I've been there, it's lame. I worked at a place with 6 other girls that were all older than me AND we all LIVED TOGETHER. It was insane. It was CRAZY NUTS! I was the little used dog and it was terrible.

SO anyways you can do a couple of things. Yeah, you can go home, but dang, that's not cool, you shouldn't have to be run off like that.

What I did I'll share but perhaps you'll just take a variation of it. ;) I found me a summer fling by way of the guy who worked in our downstairs and made the ice cream. He introduced me to summer love and from that point on my poor little brain was taken over so strongly by horomones that I forgot how much I hated the bitches trying to lord over me and always talking shit. I just went in, did my job, went home - LEFT to be with him for the rest of the day so I didn't have to see them - and started it all over again the next day. I was to happy and hazy (thank you horomones and marajuana) to hate my insane boss any more either. Very nice.

But you know? I could have done it without him and without the horomones. It's a CHOICE that we can make to go into a shit hole situation and make the best of it. Are you hating me and rolling your eyes? :P But I'm for real. Make a conciouse decision to walk into that place, do your job - YOUR job not everyone elses, but at the same time doing YOUR best - and fuck the rest of it. Ignore your boss no matter what shit he throws at you - OR - tell him to calm his ass on down because you're doing your best (say it really calmly and they'll back off cuz they'll think you're a crazy beotch)

Block everything out, you're your own human being and are capable of doing it if you make the decision. When people come up to bitch or gossip listen if you HAVE TO, but for as short as possible, and then instead of feeding into it and adding in (feeding your OWN anger) just say "Ah, fuck it, whatever, I'm out of here at 4p.m. anyways and then I'm going to go to the "...." Shrug your shoulders in a non-chalant I-don't-give-a-fuck gesture and go right back to working. You of ALL people I am guessing can master thta move! :P

And for the fling? Man or no man there is always something to fall in love with. Find something to fall in love with. The beach, the scenery, the town, being a "tourist" volunteering, neato specialty shops to browse in, local attractions, walking around and being uber cool with coffee and introspective thoughts, write some poetry or read books in the park - god only knows what might float your boat. Get out of the house, away from the computer and find something refreshing. Are you rolling your eyes again?

Find something new, find every hole-in-the-wall place around there and check it out just for the sake of checking it out.

Enjoy every damn minute you have outside of work and know that when you're DONE with work for the day that you'll be doing something that excites or makes you happy or just plain relaxes.

You've got your pal there right? Try to get her into the "Eh.. fuck it" stream of things too - if you can.

Ok, my unsoliceted novel is over. Good luck to you I'd love for the rest of your time there to be somehting you look back on fondly, and I'm betting with a character like YOURS (some folks can't pull it off) you CAN make the damn best of it. Flip the switch girlie, you'll feel so much better and be so proud of yourself if you do.

Anonymous said...

seems like Krissie can no longer go online with that laptop she's using :(

hope you're coming back to us soon!

D-HOR said...

ykm - is that the deal? Thanx for the heads up :)

Anonymous said...

yep that's what she said...and that she'll be home in about two weeks...