Sunday 27 April 2008


What Your Taste in Chocolate Says About You

You are intense, powerful, and dramatic.

People respect the things you do...

And they're not sure if they could do them!

You are down to earth and lovable.

A true friend, you're very tolerant and understanding.

In fact, your friends' biggest problem is that they don't like each other!

You love to be the center of attention. You enjoy entertaining your friends.

You feel lost when no one is interested in you... You're too interesting to be ignored.

23 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

You are intense, powerful, and dramatic.

THAT is what I call a BRAT! lol

but you're too interesting to be ignored.

THAT is dead on! Chocolate Oracle : 1 point.

Mine says ...

You are sweet, mellow, and easily satisfied.
You don't like anything too intense and dramatic.
Deep down, you're a kid at heart... and you're nostalgic for the past.

You are down to earth and lovable.
A true friend, you're very tolerant and understanding.
In fact, your friends' biggest problem is that they don't like each other!

You love the feeling of accomplishment. You enjoy doing what's important.
You feel lost when you have to do frivolous tasks or hang out with shallow people.

Krissie said...

We both like hazelnuts, huh?

Anonymous said...


*huge eyes*

I like milk chocolate with whole hazelnuts, square-shaped.
Nothing fancy, the basic, the good stuff.
Simply the best.
WHO the Hell would want a heart shaped chocolate???

Krissie said...

I just knew. *smiles mysteriously*

Anonymous said...

this is what I got...(I couldn't NOT take this chocolate quiz lol):

You are sophisticated, modern, and high class.
Your taste is refined, but you are not picky.
You are often the first to try something new.

You are down to earth and lovable.
A true friend, you're very tolerant and understanding.
In fact, your friends' biggest problem is that they don't like each other!

You love the feeling of accomplishment. You enjoy doing what's important.
You feel lost when you have to do frivolous tasks or hang out with shallow people.


Krissie said...

I love your last part, YKM.
Mine is true for me but I'd like your last part to be mine last part. LMAO

Anonymous said...

ykm's last part is the same as mine!
Now I wonder which part of the quizz it matches.

nicbeast said...

That was fun!! Here's mine.

You are sweet, mellow, and easily satisfied.

You don't like anything too intense and dramatic.

Deep down, you're a kid at heart... and you're nostalgic for the past.

You are emotionally expressive and sensitive.

You're effected by everything around you.

Your friends appreciate your open heart, but they are afraid of hurting your feelings.

You love the feeling of accomplishment. You enjoy doing what's important.

You feel lost when you have to do frivolous tasks or hang out with shallow people.

cvilim said...

Sve ti je pogrešno zaključio taj test, AIQ (Artificial Intelligence Quotient) mu je manji od tvojeg optimizma. Zašto ne pitaš mene? Jer, kužiš, Bailey's nije naveden kao punjenje.

Here's mine:

You are intense, powerful, and dramatic.
People respect the things you do...


And they're not sure if they could do them!


You are emotionally expressive and sensitive.
You're effected by everything around you.


Your friends appreciate your open heart, but they are afraid of hurting your feelings.


You love being by yourself and thinking. Developing your own theories and ideas is fun.


You feel lost when you're forced to be social. Being with other people can be lonely for you.


Sve u svemu, ne znam što sam niti što želim. Želim da mi netko drugi to kaže. Zato postoji čitava svjetska infrastruktura stvari koje će mi to reći umjesto mene, od sitcoma koje će mi reći kad se treba smijati, sve do mene samog koji kaže da bih trebao napraviti ono što znam da bih trebao misliti da trebam napraviti.

Krissie said...

Uopće mi nije tako pogrešno zaključeno, šta pričaš ti?

Nicky, your sounds spot on, huh?

cvilim said...

TOČNO je kad ti zaključi ili sve točno ili sve pogrešno.

NETOČNO je kad ti napiše miješano.


Krissie said...

Pa meni je moje točno. :P

cvilim said...

Kao npr. ovo?

"You love to be the center of attention. You enjoy entertaining your friends."

ili još bolje, ovo...

"A true friend, you're very tolerant and understanding."

Hehe. :-P

No, znaš kak se kaže, tolerancija je zapravo najlošija od svih ljudskih vrlina. To samo znači da imamo snage TRPJETI ono što ne volimo kod drugih. :-D

Krissie said...

Zapravo, ja volim bit u centru pažnje i zabavljat ljude duboko u sebi, ali se to ne događa često.

cvilim said...

Pa... mene svakako uvijek zabavljaš i u centru si moje pozornosti, no taj slučaj tumačim više kao iznimku nego kao pravilo. :-)

Van said...

This is fun!
Krissie, some part fits you right, from the little I know from you :)))

Here is mine:

You are unique, creative, and fascinating.
You don't do what's expected of you.
You go for what's unknown and uncharted.

You are a whimsical person prone to daydreaming.
Artistic and creative, you're always in the middle of a project.
While you are an inspiration to others, you can come off as flaky.

You love being by yourself and thinking. Developing your own theories and ideas is fun.
You feel lost when you're forced to be social. Being with other people can be lonely for you.

The last 2 sentences fit me so perfectly....interesting...

Anonymous said...

Aîwa, sh'na nes ti y hadro bi Croatia, nes ti y hadro bi n'eglizia û ana ten hadar bi l'arbia.
Daaba n'shuffu shkûn li raadi y f'hem shkûn!

Krissie said...

Who's being a brat now, Doc?

cvilim said...

notthedoctor, this is not the time to make fucking typos!

Krissie said...


Oh God, I need to write another post ASAP cuz this has got to stop!

Anonymous said...

cvilim I'll let you know that I made NO fucking typos. I can't say the same for you.



cvilim said...


Anonymous said...

:-* back at ya, Croatian man.