Sunday 6 April 2008

In This Life...

...there's real and make-believe. and this seems real to me.

and it's all wrong in too many ways. my happy place that crumbled down with mean. people that forget that others are people too. real. live. feeling. and this is not what i've signed up for. or maybe i skimmed over the fine print as i do because.

i can't be bothered. and i am. guts tied in a notch. nauseous. bitter. and broken. just a step away from giving it all up but.

some are still worth it. the ones i'd miss like i'd miss a limb. the ones that are my happy place. like they are each other's home in the stories. at least in the make-believe. and dreams that haunt me and do no good.

that's what you get for falling asleep to strangers' voices soothing you. making you feel every inch of your skin covered. tucked in. into sweet comfort at least during this night if not when sun comes again.

and again. breathe in. breathe out. breathe in. it never stops. never. stops. i didn't ask for this. it must have been in the fine print, i am sure now. i wasn't told i would make no sense, no purpose. and so i am this.

floating. hibernating. silently. except.

i'm screaming. on the inside where no one hears. and i muffle myself with the make-believe. until it all crumbles onto my head as it inevitably will. when reality hits.

what will i hold on to? fairy tales and make-believes don't make a world worthy living in. it's just that.

they do to me. it's easier to cry unreal tears. love unreal loves. feel unreal emotions. live unreal lives.

in this life there's real and make-believe. and this seems real to me.

so when they go and spit on it, and curse it, and tear it apart, there'll be nothing left for me. except for reality. that i don't want. that i didn't ask for. that i didn't sign up for. but it's not like there's choice with the real.

that's not going anywhere. that cannot be covered with the make-believe. even though that's exactly what i've been doing for too long.

it will have to stop. and i don't know how. i don't know how.

i'm screaming.

3 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

have you court-circuited?
I have a spare chip available if you need it... you never know when you brain is gonna shut down!

it's my treat!
Get better!

Krissie said...

LOL Doc!
Thanks for really understanding my pain.

Anonymous said...

No prob!
you can always count on me for repairing th e unrepairable :wink: