Wednesday 2 April 2008


I think we've established that my subconscious is a bitch. I never get the good dreams. Never. You know what I mean. Maybe making out once in a blue moon but that's about it.
So yesterday I saw this YT video to Darren Hayes's "Insatiable" made of various kissing scenes from TV shows and movies. I saw it once and haven't thought of it after. But apparently my subconscious decided to store it for future use. Future meaning last night. There were numerous scenes from "Gilmore Girls" in it and apparently the Bitch found those to be the most inspiring. So she sent me a guy from "Gilmore Girls". Now, "Gilmore Girls" had some pretty fucking nice guys to choose from. Let's observe, shall we?

Chad Michael Murray

Jared Padalecki

Milo "freakin' Peter Petrelli" Ventimiglia

And do I get any of those guys? Noooo. Bitch, remember? So who do I get? I get Matt "the Neckless Gnome" Czurchy.
I don't know about you but that's a huge NFF in my book. No. Fucking. Fair. I was NOT happy. But... beggars can't be choosers so I think to myself I might as well make the most of it. If life gives you lemons and all that but as the things start rolling MY MOTHER COMES INTO THE ROOM.
Seriously, Bitch, one of these days you and me are going to have a serious talk.

15 spoke back:

Van said...

LMAO! I would say that bitch is bitching you!
And if you like Milo here is a new film:
It is called Pathology ;)
And it is not a Night Shyamalan movie, ehehhehe

D-HOR said...

So you were asleep when things
started "getting rolling?" Or awake at this point? LMAO I hope asleep, but either way what was your mom doing????

Krissie said...

My mother came into the room in my dream.
The Bitch got me the ugly guy and my mother.
I really really hate my subconscious.

And you're back! YAY!

Anonymous said...

You post CMM as a nice guy???
You just went down in my estimation.

Krissie said...

Whatever, ho. I've always thought he was cute, it's not my problem you and your lot think he's a douche.

Anonymous said...

that must be the most horrible picture of matt out there, he looks like a mushroom.

he's not THAT bad, come on!

I'm not saying he's hot, but he's definately cuter than chad MM

Krissie said...

He really is that bad. He's got no neck.
And he's no way in hell cuter than CMM! WTF?!

D-HOR said...

OHHHHhhhhh I get it. That boy is kind of pretty, not hot but pretty, maybe it was your Bi-Side trying to come out. :PPPP

ElisabethS said...

Well. My subconcious gives me THIS:

So I really can't see the problem with your guy! LOL.

Seriously though.. I know how it is. I never get the dirty dreams with the hot guys!

Maybe we could team up together and sue somone!

Krissie said...

Oh yeah, Sita, you win the "Who's got the worst guy in a dream" competition.
And yes!, let's sue!

nicbeast said...


Krissie said...

My pain amuses you. Lovely.

Unless it's Sita's pain. Then I laugh with you.

david santos said...

Excellent photo!
Have a good day

Anonymous said...

CMM could have me anyday. If he got an STD treatment first :D And of course, there wouldn't be any conversational skills required for what I have in mind.

Krissie said...

Exactly, Bel.
Thanks for the support. LOL