Sunday 23 November 2008

It hit me like a steal freight train

Gaah, I hate this. I woke up with my nose clogged (I know, just the mental image you needed) and my throat feeling as if it's been ploughed through. And not in a good way (LOL, have another pleasant mental image there). At first I was cold. Now I'm boiling. My eyes might be watering from time to time, and my nose is running. It's the best Sunday ever.
At least I can explain the headache: I totally forgot to have some coffee what with all the tea and honey, and pills and lozenges. THANK GOD I have no classes tomorrow.
I think I'm coming down with fever.
Someone entertain me.

9 spoke back:

nicbeast said...

Once upon a time there was a boy. He was kind, smart and beautiful. One day while walking down the street, he saw a girl. Not just any girl, THE girl. He walked closer and sat near her on a park bench. He watched her out of the corner of his eye; she was reading some pages she had printed from her computer. Upon further examination, he blushed then smiled at the material. This was his kind of girl. "What are you reading?" he asked her. Startled, Kriss responded, "Uhhhhh..." unsure how to answer. The twinkle in his eye assured her he knew exactly what she was reading. 'Shit!' She thought to herself.

Ok, next commentator's turn!

Krissie said...

I'm waiting for Bel to take over. Although, what has a potential to be a slash piece featuring ME, might be a tad awkward.

nicbeast said...

Bow chicka wow wow...

Anonymous said...

He only smiled wider. "So", he said, "you always read porn where everyone can see you?"
She turned her head away from him and read on. He walked around to her other side and sat down again.
"Aw, come on! You can't expect to sit here and read porn and not have peole asking you questions."
Kris glared at him. What the hell was this fucktard thinking ruining this gorgeous fic for her?

Aaand, cut to next scene.

Krissie said...

NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC!!! Please, if you would...

Van said...

I hope you get well soon honey!

Gringa-n-Mexico said...

OH!!! Are you getting better yet?? Wait, what day is today? Tuesday? Geeewww no, you probably feel like shit today - but hey tommorow or the next you'll pull out of it. Gah, YUCK !!! OMG I feel like I "gave" it to you when we IM'd that one day when I was sick :P

Feel better soon darling - and btw my gawd I DO love the look of the place today. VERY nice.

Krissie said...

I feel like SHIT. Skipped the classes even. Fuck it. Stayed in and read porn. So thanks for the germs. :P

nicbeast said...

Oh wait! What? Me? Again? Hmmmm...