Saturday 22 November 2008

There's no good reason for the way you love me

So I have this friend. And it's weird because I sort of didn't realise we're actually, you know, friends. I mean, we've met and we sometimes hang out in groups, and as of recently we chat sometimes as well, but also we meet for coffees sometimes, just the two of us. And it's... well, it amazes me that there's someone out there who goes: Hey, wanna meet me so we'd talk for a while for no other reason than just spend some time together? Because it's, like, he doesn't have to spend time with me, but he wants to. And that's... well, it's weird. And yeah, kinda awesome. *grins* And the best part is, he's smart and sweet, and he probably has seven hundred better people to hang out with than me. So it's flattering. Oh, and he's totally engaged to an awesome girl so don't be getting any ideas, a'ight?
So anyway, the other day I had this gmail status that said "A lil' bit blue." and he popped out on chat:
Puki: aaaw
what happened?
me: lol nuthin'
the methinks it's a premature bday bluesscratch the "the"
Puki: and when would the bday be?
me: in a month
super mi je ovaj engleski, volim ga (this English is great, I love it)

Puki: Aaaaaw you females are so cute wen you're hormonaaaal :D
točno (right)

sad sam skonto da ne moramo na engleskom (I just realised we don't have to do this in English)

me: hahaha pa jesmo slatke, dok ne postanemo opake (well we are cute till we turn vicious)
Puki: Ah, znam .... :( (Ah, I know...)
Puki: Kako si ti opčenito? Jesi li druželjubljivija nego inače? Kad ćeš naletit na kavu? Nažalost, faks me jako odvlači prema bolnici, no nekako se možemo skontat (So how are you in general? More sociable than normally? When will you stop by for a coffee? Sadly college's been dragging me toward the hospital a lot, but we'll figure it out somehow)

me: da, pa osjećam se dosta druželjubivo, mogu ti reć (yeah, well I've been feeling rather sociable, to tell you the truth)

Puki: Ajde! :D (No way!)

So then we met on Friday and he says: There's a webcomic you have to start reading. I asked why, and he said: There's this chick, and she's just like you. Like how, I asked. She's totally sarcastic and everyone's afraid of her. There are no words that could express the love I felt for him right at that moment.
And now we come to the point of this entire post. What? You thought I had none? Pfft. Anyway. I did start reading the comic. And it's fantastic! And the chick? Well. Let's just say, being compared to her is a huge fucking compliment. Not anyone would take it as such, but I sure as hell am. God, I hope people see me as sarcastic and scary and worth the trouble. Best people usually are.
Also, here's a little illustration:


P.S. She's also a bit on the pudgy side. She's got a larger butt and some belly and the guy is still hopelessly in love with her. I think she's the awesomest character ever. So if you're curious: Questionable Content

P.P.S. I'm not proud of what I'm about to write now. I've been informed that an ex I broke up with 4 years ago hasn't gotten over me yet. It's horrible and sad, but my ego did a little happy dance upon hearing that. Yes, I'm a terrible person. But at least I don't hide it.

5 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

That's a funny comic :)

And yay for friends!

Van said...

You are what you are.
And I love you for that same reason.
You are YOU, and that's what really matters.
Can we see a pic of this new friend?

Krissie said...

LOL Van, he's not new and there are pics of him in this blog already, somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Why do we feel more comfortable chatting in English?



Krissie said...

I dunno but it is. I guess chatting in English is default setting for me.