Tuesday 11 November 2008

Don't mind doing it for the kids

I may have corrupted young innocent Anja today. In the Curator's class. She was bored, okay? So I gave her a couple of, y'know, love stories with an edge. Which, as you know, is a euphemism for gay porn in Kris. And I'd feel bad, really, I would, but when she went all "OMG WHAT IS THIS?!" on me and I tried to take it away, she got all clingy and wouldn't let go of the paper. And then when the class ended and she wasn't finished with the second story and asked me to bring it again the next time, I let her have it. She wanted it, okay? So I'm actually nice and a good friend. Yeah.

8 spoke back:

Van said...

AHahahah *laughs like a 5 year old*
First, of all, I am loving the titles of your posts ;)

And converting girl friend's to gay porn while on classes, shame shame, ahahahahah

Imagine if you got caught!!
Professor would confiscate the gay porn material, lol!! And read it!!


Anonymous said...

Kris, I have to admire you. I'm really too much of a prude to share those stories with ANYONE in RL.

Krissie said...

Holy shit, Van, I never thought of the possible confiscation!

Hahaha, Erica, I acted on an impulse. She was bored, I provided entertainment..

LadyN said...

oh no you're bringing other innocent ones to the darkness! You might create a monster and that monster might be all, you know...ummm...

ah, forget it, too tired to think of something. She should run for her life. Quick.

nicbeast said...

"Come to the Darkside, we have cookies! And evidently gay porn..."

*slowly shakes head*

Krissie said...

OMG Neri, you make it sound like exposing someone to gay porn is a bad thing.

Keep your cookies, Nic, as long as I can have teh pr0nz. :D

nicbeast said...

...even if the cookies have chocolate?

nicbeast said...

Chocolate + gay port = More fun than decent people oughtta have...

Good thing we aren't decent!!