Friday 13 March 2009

Feeling very small underneath the universe

I need to write, so bear with me.

I dreamt of The Boy. We were sitting in a bathroom stall in some school, down on the floor, and we were talking. But he wore a metal box on his head. You read it right. He had a metal box. On his head. As in, his head. Was. IN. The box. There was some sort of locked door in the front so he opened it so I could see him. It was really weird.

Wow, this was one hell of a long day. Got up at 6.10, left home at 7.05, returned at 6pm. Dead. Beat. I had PE, okay? Which wasn't even that bad, considering. Before that we had the Croatian lit class that ended with a quiz. Which would've been fine, had we had any fucking clue what the TA was talking about. Hell, when he asked us one of the question, we were all like: BZUH?! And he goes: Do you understand the question? And we all went: Uh... NO?! Then he "explained". But not really. So that was that.

Then there was PE. Where we were measured and weighed and had our BMI calculated and various other shit. And the professor says to me: You have too much fat tissue. And I make my trademark DUH face and grab my boobs with both of my hands. The boys laugh and the professor says: Fair enough. FUCK YOU, I AIN'T FAT! I'm not skinny and I have a belly (I don't think you're ready for this jelly...) but I most certainly ain't obese!

Then it was fun tiems! We picked up Maja and went to lunch. I ate healthy! Grilled chicken, mushrooms and mixed salad. Fiiiine. And grilled cheese. And a coke. Shut up. I'm curvaceous and I'm staying that way! It was so great to spend some time with Maja again! I love her. And she kept saying: I miss you! We miss her right back. She moved on to the 3rd year, we got stuck at the 2nd. She even said she's considering taking a year off just so she can have classes with us again. LOL

Afterwards we had three periods of Croatian Morphology. Oh. Fucking. Joy. It felt like a really slow, particularly painful death. Only worse. Because in the end I wasn't dead. I'm going to have to rinse and repeat over and over and over again. For what feels like forever.

Remember my need for writing fiction? Well, it's gone. Turns out, all it took was writing the beginning and the end of the story. The total of 786 words was enough to beat the will to write right out of me. Once you realise you're terrible at something, you don't really wanna keep it up.

Could today's (yesterday's) Supernatural be any more depressing? Made me wanna throw up a few times. Could be my general state of mind making me feel this way, but I don't know. As happy as it makes me that it's FINALLY back (because the withdrawals are not fun!), the way that it's headed is making me dread what's to come.

At least I'm not the only one feeling depressed. Remember Faye, the comic girl form my avatar? She's been pretty down herself lately. Is relating to a drawn character unhealthy? Oh hell, I'll just add it to the list. Right under the grilled cheese.

4 spoke back:

LadyN said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHAH Metal box on head. Did he have a key to close it when you weren't talking? I'd like one of those when I'm feeling anti-social.

Did you make the same facial expression as Faye when he told you were fat? (asshole btw cuz you aint) I'm picturing her grabbing her boobs too...with the face LOL

Krissie said...

He did have a key! He unlocked the door on the box and opened it.

I might have, unconsciously. I've been told I give that look a lot, so i know it's out of my control. LOL

Anonymous said...

Faye? Again, I'm out of the loop.

LOL, I wish I could use my boobs as the argument for too much body fat.

Krissie said...

Faye? From Questionable Content? I talked about that comic over and over again.

LOL, sorry?