Saturday 31 January 2009

These mean streets are meant for none

Last night, around 6.30, as I was walking home from the train station, down my dark, half a mile long street, a car, a huge pale yellow Mercedes, pulled over next to me. The passenger side window was down and, as I looked into the car, I saw a guy, my age, maybe a couple of years older than me, saying something to me. I shook my head indicating I hadn't heard him, so he repeated: Are you going to the centre? Can I give you a ride? I gave him a disbelieving look and managed a no, so he moved along, leaving me on my toes, waiting for him to change his mind and stop once again. He didn't, though, and soon the car was out of my sight.

And now I ask you, who does that??! Who offers a ride to an unknown girl on a dark street with no one around? People you do not want to get in a car with, that's who. And what does my sister say? She said: Why didn't you accept?!

Call me cynical (after all, maybe the guy was just trying to be nice) but sometimes, living in this world makes me wanna crawl to some place safe, and never come out. Much like this:

6 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe she said that.

Krissie said...

I guess you're new here then, and haven't met my sister yet.

LadyN said...

creepy...and the guy was even creepier.

nicbeast said...

Better safe than sorry.

Krissie said...

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Van said...

Thank god you refused the lift.
Who knows what would have happen...
Creepy, indeed.
AHahaha cats like to sleep in hiding places, so cute.