Wednesday 28 January 2009

Early in the evenin just about supper time

It's 5pm and I just printed out my paper! Woot! I am very proud of myself for NOT reading fic when I came home and turned the PC on. Instead, I actually wrote the paper first. Yes, yes I did. I am awesome and responsible.

If you disregard the fact that due is tomorrow and I had the entire semester to write it. *ahem*

But in my defense, it was fairly easy to write the paper after a whole semester of learning about that particular type of poem, so it was actually wise to leave it for the very end. Yes. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Now I'm gonna watch some Big Bang Theory.

ETA: Oh BBT, how I love you! LOOK! My Freak Sisters are not alone!

9 spoke back:

nicbeast said...

Yay! What a relief!

Krissie said...


And now... THE FINALS! /o\

LadyN said...

I EFFIN LOVE THIS SHOW! Lenord is my fav.

and congrats we all know how hard it is to overcome procrastination. seriously, bravo!

LadyN said...

oh and she was Bella for a while to me. weird.

Van said...

Wow! You did it.
Can you tell me how to "not procrastinate" all the time?
I am having serious problems in focusing on what I have to do in time...dammit.
Oh well...
How did you noticed her boobs? lol
I don't know this show though.

Krissie said...

Really, Neri, Leonard? I dunno, he's too mainstream, I adore Sheldon.

LOL, Van, of course I noticed THE BOOBS OF WONK! Check the show out, it's hilarious. I highly recommend it.

LadyN said...

wait, who's the one that has OCD and doesnt drive (who also practiced driving with a simulator and crashed into a secound floor of a mall) and only sits in one spot of the couch? Yes, thats' the one i like. lol The vicks episode won me over.

Krissie said...

That would be SHELDON.

LadyN said...

Yes! that's him! love him. :-D