Wednesday 28 May 2008


Last night's Criminal Minds was particularly scary.

James Van Der Beek was guest starring.

16 spoke back:

Van said...

Criminal Minds is WOOOOOOooooooooooot!
Who is that guy?
*googling as we speak*

Krissie said...

It's Yellow Dawson, as I call him, from Dawson's Creek. *shudder*

Anonymous said...

I'm SO glad you watch criminal minds!!
Love that show...I don't think I've seen the episode with Van der beek yet, I'll be on the look-out :)

so..why is he yellow dawson? LOL

and also...don't you just LOVE that smart, nerdy, skinny guy? omg, I would do him in a heartbeat...
smart is SUCH a turn-on!!

Anonymous said...

in criminal minds I mean...the only person in Dawson's creek that I'd even want to have in my bed is joshua jackson...


cvilim said...

Interesting. Freud said that there is only one sex, and that's male. Female sex doesn't exist. It's rather wrongly interpreted as sex. Instead, female is anti-sex, that which destroys all the meaning produced by male. And so, I read this with "smart" as sexual object, and I think, you women always destroy everything that is worth in man - wheter it is his mind, or in his other abilities - by turning it into sexual objects. Wheter he's artistic soul, or mathematical genius, or a top sportsman... everything is just the matter of hottness, and content of his abilites is completely irrelevant.

Krissie said...

LMAO YKM! For a second there I thought you wanted to do JVDB and was like HUH??? WHYYYYY? He's so YELLOW!!! (His hair, his face... totally yellow.) But then yeah... (Btw, Jensen Ackles was on Dawson's Creek too so there goes my vote. Although in pre-Jensen era, Joshua Jackson was definitely THE guy. on D'sC, not in general.)
No, I'm not attracted to Reid-what's-his-real-name. I watch that particular show for the plot. HA! Imagine that! There's actually a show I ~don't~watch for the eye-candy. Gawd, I'm, like, deep, or something... LMAO

Vilime, TL;DR. :D
No, really, so? Men don't even look for a talent or an ability or whatever in a woman before turning her into an object. So where's the difference?
(That was a rhetorical question, don't think I'll now engage into a discussion on how male or female (non-existent, apparently) brain works on a post about JVDB.)

cvilim said...

If you didn't want to engage in conversation, you shouldn't make that controversial statement ;-)

cvilim said...

BTW I'm your greatest proof that you're wrong. I admire your abilities and I think it's hot, but you'll never accept that, because you don't believe that's possible, right?


Krissie said...


Anonymous said...

It being a JVDB post is even a better reason to debate.

First things first, I agree with Kris on JVDB an dreally the "yellow" calling is brilliant. I couldn't find a word to describe what was bothering me with JVDB and now I can, he's YELLOW! HA! Brilliant!

I don't watch Criminal Minds but I always wanted to watch the JVDB ep. For some reason, his performance was well received so I wanna know.

Aaaaaaand THE debate, my two cents would be no sex and anti-sex for FREUD was a fucked up bastard in love with his sister. So I wouldn't put too much trust in what he had to say back when he was still breathing, thus being a perv.
Where was I?
Oh yeah! THE debate, hmmm.
I don't think there actually is something to add.

cvilim said...

notthedoctor, I hope you didn't came to this conclusion about Freud now, because it was the general opinion 80 years ago or so :-)

Today, things have changed. Psychoanalysis is the most fundamental concept of explaining human beings, and everything is derived from Freud. He was maybe a nutcase, but he was right. I suggest reading his followers and crticists, like Lacan, Žižek or Baudrillard. And watching David Lynch's movies ;-)

BTW, it's all very much related to JVDB. :-D

Krissie said...

Yeah, Doc, apparently he did do a good job but c'mon, Yellow freakin' Dawson!

Freud doesn't interest me one bit. Except the incest part. LOL No, RL incest is yuck. And het? Hell NO! *ahem*
But do carry on with the debate if you feel like it. W/O me. Kthxbai.

cvilim said...

That's typical you, Krissie. Not being interested in something is better than being afraid of something. :-P

Krissie said...

Mr. Freud, is that you?! No?
Then what's with the analysis?

cvilim said...

Buuuaaaaa you're so mean!

Anonymous said...

cvilim... buddy, where to start?
well, I like you. Really. I do.
hmm let's just say that as a notthedoctor I am also specialised in notthepsychoanalisis.
I won't lecture you on my research or on my books, but let's just say that my belief on the mind's mechanisms are far far far away from Freud (and Co.)'s.

And I do LOVE Twin Peaks.

The Brain: Sigmund Freud would have had a field day with you, Pinky.
Pinky: Ah, he liked sports then, did he?