Friday 23 May 2008

Of Marriage And Pussies

Lunch time. Just me and my mother. And a movie is beginning on TV. Something Winona Ryder something. OK, It's "How to Make an American Quilt" and I didn't need to know that. Anyway. Yadda yadda yadda and then Winona goes "26 is not an unreasonable age to get married." or something along those lines. I snort into my plate and say "Nonsense." And my mother goes: "Seriously though. You don't plan to marry? Like, ever?" (She didn't actually say "Like, ever?" ~

My PC just spontaneously restarted itself. Great, PC, congrats on having a personality and' all, you win the personality contest in front of at least a dozen of people I know, but fuck off, OK? I'm writing a post here, jerk! *ahem*

~ but it was implied and I heard it, dammit!) "Uh, no I don't plan to. I don't not plan to either. I don't really think about it." "But what do you think then?" "I don't know. I'm not saying I'll never marry, I'm just saying it's not likely. I really can't see it happening any time soon. Or, y'know, ever." And she says nothing more.
I mean, really. What is she thinking? I'm not going anywhere. I'm not meeting anyone, let alone dating. Even when I do meet a guy, I make sure he knows pretty damn soon I'm celibate and not interested in dating/casual sex/happily ever after. Any of that shit. It's just how I am. I wish she'd finally accept that.

T fucking MI part of the post - consider yourself warned:
I have this vaginal infection that comes and goes once in a year or two. Bacterial or whatever. It came back like two weeks ago or so and my mother noticed. She only noticed cuz of the discharge that is now of some colour, light brown or something (she does the laundry, she doesn't go around looking for my underwear just like that, OK?) so she asked me about it. I said I'd noticed but I've been a little (a lot!) too busy right now with the exams and shit to actually go to see the doctor and get the antibiotics. And then she says: "Your pussy's falling apart and you don't even care!" "So?", I deadpanned. "Not like I use it or anything."
She wasn't amused.

10 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

well..I'll be the first then :p

I think you might have scared the men away with that last part of your entry, though they were warned! lol

very funny though, very funny :)

Krissie said...

Thanks for speaking up.
I felt very bad for spilling my guts out here (ok, so not exactly guts... [and yes, ew, gross, self! stoppit!]) and get silence.
Does no one read my blog anymore? *sheds a tear*
But actually, I got reactions on MSN. LOL I guess people don't want their names under "vaginal discharge". What the fuck ever.

Anonymous said...

hahaha, hell, I don't mind my name being associated with this post!

the first guy who responds to this post will gain my respect forever lol

(uneless it's that creepy guy that stops by once in a while...)

so don't feel bad krissie, and tons of people still read your blog :)


Anonymous said...

You killed me with that last part, though the part about marriage reminded me a lot of a convo I had with my mom some time ago.

Not happening soon, sorry mom!

And please, for my rocks' sake, don't let your pussy fall apart!

Krissie said...

YKM, ditto about the guy. (Even though only one or two read this.) About "The Creep", I actually locked this blog again to keep him out. And then yesterday he commented on Wentasy Land. ¤_¤

Doc, I'm still in one piece. Also, I kinda think it's gone on its own, the infection. LOL

Van said...

LMAO Kris!
You are a brave one to speak of your vagina so openly in your own blog, EHeHehhe!
I really hope you can fix your vajayjay before the bacteria get the best of it.
lol @ creepy guy!
David Santos was indeed at Wentasy Land.
He said "Excellent post Krissi" to the post of Sara's head on the he even know what is that about.
he scares me.
His blog scares me.
I am afraid to be raeped by him....
*runs away*

Krissie said...

You and me both, Van, you and me both. He oozes raep and not in a good way. *shudder*

Anonymous said...

Haha, Kris!

And TMI: you're a lucky bitch to only get one of those once every year or two...

Krissie said...

LOL Bel. Also, OUCH.

LadyN said...

BWAHAhahahaha, raeped by him...

He really does look creepy. I was wondering how you knew him K. LOL!

anywho, this is late so whatevs...