Friday 14 March 2008


I don't handle rejection well. Any kind of rejection.
There's the obvious kind, when I like someone who doesn't like me back. I suppose everyone has come across that. But there's all kinds of different rejection that I don't take well.
Like when I ask my sister to watch a film with me and she says something like Oh but I already told my bf I'll watch it with him. or just I don't feel like watching it now. What I hear is I love him more and I don't wanna do stuff with you cuz I don't care about you.
It's when I ask someone to come over and they don't. The other day I asked Nikolina to come but she said previously set plans. And I know that I should be reasonable about it but what I hear is I like the other friend better and I'd rather spend a day with her.
And then there's that when you accidentally find out that people who allegedly like you and enjoy your company are going to do something and you're not invited. Ouch. Then I cannot stop thinking about it for a really long time and I tend to withdraw. I won't be coming to them for along long time now. Just saying.
It's because there used to be times when I'd lean over my balcony and see my alleged friends playing outside and when I'd ask why the hadn't called me, they'd say We forgot. I swear, I'm not making it up. And it happened more than once.
Or when I ask my parents to do something and they don't want to cuz they're tired or whatever. I hate that. I'm not fun enough, there's something better for them to do.
Even when I call my dog or my cat to come and they don't, I question myself. Cuz if my own pets don't give a fuck about me, who the hell will?
I don't handle rejection well. I don't like how it feels and I'm better off without it. And I'm fine on my own when I don't have to think about why people don't like me. So don't drag me out just to reject me. Just... don't. Rather let me be.

13 spoke back:

Sgt said...

I was going to post a reply.. but I promised Lindy I would post something on her site. Sorry.


Just because you didn't get invited to something they were doing doesn't mean they don't like you. Then again... maybe it does. Either way, does it really matter if the end result is the same?

You have fun with them when they are around.. why worry about the times they aren't.

Krissie said...

Not worrying about it would require me being normal first.

Mike said...

Good old paranoia, It'll fuck ya every time.

Just a tip, people can see paranoia and it pushes them away.

Good luck.

Krissie said...

Thanks, Mike.
Who ever you might be. :)

Anonymous said...

The last advice my friends have given me is:

"quit over-analyzing everything girl!"

I admit it, I love analyzing things but maybe there's some truth to what they said...Once you start thinking, it's hard to switch the brain off and when it's on a roll, it's on a ROLL. Meaning that you might start considering things that are absolutely not there.


Quit over-analyzing Krissie :)

And yes, who is Mike?

Krissie said...

Dunno who he is but he's all right, YKM.

Van said...

That is very true, Kris.
I do that all the fucking time.
But I know I shouldn't be like that.
People are free to go out with who they want, when they want.
Maybe when some friends go out with you, the ones that are left behind think the same too Krissie.
I feel like YKM, sometimes it's your fucking brain that doesn't let you shut off that thought.
The rejection is the shitty bitch that will always hung beside us.
I so wanna kick its ass!

D-HOR said...

You know, that "I'm going to watch the movie with my boyfriend" THING must be international. I hate that, I really do, I want to say "watch it twice then, I'M here now!"

And my boss does this thing where I'm invited to certain activities with her and certain friends, but when she hangs out with OTHER friends (her cooler friends) I'm never invited - but she always tells me what fun they had the next day at work. I think she asumes I'm stoopid and don't see the pattern - but then I don't get why she hangs out with me if she thinks I'm so stoopid - wait, yes I do, I'm a "second string" friend. You know, the ones you hang out with when the better ones aren't around. I guess I should tell her to shove it but I never do.

Okay this was your post and I'm spilling all over it. I'm your bastard spilling friend but at least with me you're first string.

Krissie said...

Kick its ass, Van! For me too!

Hor, you get to spill whatever you want whenever you want all over my blog, k? Cuz you're so my first string too!
(Now excuse me while I go barf over this public display of emotions.)

D-HOR said...

I've got an extra vomit bag if you want it, I keep em around just for these occasions :PPP

Glitterstim said...

Oh, Krissie....I do the exact same thing. When Fella wasn't calling me back, my little voice was saying, "He has an hour's drive to and from work, and he'd rather do anything but call you." The same kind of thinking.

When Greg stood me up, I'm sure it's because he found something more important to him. I get knocked down the totem pole all the time. And I really do believe that. I'm trying so hard to change that thinking, but I find it difficult to do on my own.

I think you understand exactly what I mean, because you have the same little voice. So, how can we shut it up??

Because I do know you're a spectacular person, and none of this is really true for you....but that stupid voice needs to shut up.


:o) BJ

Anonymous said...

Awww Poor left Behind Krissie.
Adults are having fun and not inviting you.

Now, now, come on and climb on my lap Kiddo.



*Smacking Brat's ass to red*

Now go to your room and never say we love people more than you Brat!

Krissie said...

I wish there were any, BJ.

OUCH, Doc! Why do you always have to be so violent? I blame Canada. And I wasn't even talking about youuuu...