Friday 30 June 2006

Diary Of Krk VI

I'm sitting outside, sipping my coffee and listening to Branimir practicing his saxophone. I'm not mad about its sound but I don't mind. There's some wind so it's quite enjoyable, it's not impossibly hot as it was these last few days. I should be studying but I just don't feel like it. This is not that kind of a day. I should do something about my nails, both hands and feet. I could cut someone's throat with them.
No one got my postcards yet and I've sent them two days ago. Oh, the island business...
There's no one here these days but tomorrow people are coming. I hope it won't be too busy because Štefica is not here, she went to Germany to see her boyfriend and she practically runs the whole place herself so she's irreplaceable.
I've got nothing else to say.

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