Tuesday 24 February 2009

And they've been known to pick a song or two

A while ago my sister came to me with something that has been bugging her. Every morning, while she was at work, a certain radio station would play the same song. A familiar song, a song she sort of knew, but not really. She wanted to know what the song was. This was where I came in. But... Yes, there's a but. But she didn't know who sang it. She didn't know the title of the song. She didn't remember any of the lyrics. She couldn't even hum it.
"Wow," I said. "This won't be complicated at all."
But I didn't give up. I went to the said radio station's site and checked the most played charts. Let me tell you, I clicked on MANY songs. Many random songs that might've been the one she was looking for. Songs that were most often played, and then songs that were played a little less often. And then random songs you could listen to on the site.
None of the songs was THE song. Clearly, I ran out of options. Her only hope was to hear the song while we were together so she could point it out. It never happened.
That was a month, or two, or three ago. I forgot about it in the mean time.
Then, two nights ago a new show started on TV. "Croatia is looking for a star". You know, the Pop Idol thing. So we're watching it and there are candidates and there are judges and they sing and they talk, yadda yadda yadda, and then there's a montage of different candidates with a well know song playing in the background. At that moment my sister points to the TV and yells: "That's it! That's the song I was telling you about!" And I turn to her and I give her this incredulous look, and I can't believe she didn't know what the song was.
Because the song is Sweet Home Alabama.

6 spoke back:

Anonymous said...


Nope, I'm not ashamed of laughing AT her.

Krissie said...

Nor you should be.

LadyN said...


this seriously like made me laugh sooo hard and, no joke, bang my hand on my desk.

Idk, maybe it was the well written punch line. wasn't expecting it. Thank her for me.

Krissie said...

Hahahaha NO! I can't tell her she's what the Internet is laughing at! :P

Van said...

AHAHAHahahah your sister is a joke!
That's all!

Krissie said...

She is indeed!