Monday 18 October 2010

Boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them.

So plz to be forwarding all your throwable rocks to me. TIA.

Not just because a certain jailbait boy suddenly realised how young he really is and stopped communicating with me. Clearly, I'm not that resentful a person.

No, when I say boys are stupid, I mean men, and when I say men, I mean, that old guy in my computer class, and the mayor of my town, AND the jailbait ex-bf of mine. See? I have reasons.

Like, WTF, jailbait ex-bf? He was the one convincing me repeatedly that age don't matter when I was trying to be rational. Granted, his dick was in me at the time, but still. Then I frowned when he said he'd have kids in ten years or so (do the math, to be 39 or 40 is not the best age for giving birth for the first time), and the lines died. No voice chat, no e-mail, no text. Well, FUCK YOU VERY MUCH (and also, fuck you for making me use Lilly Allen to tell you to go fuck yourself). And man, it's not like I'm heartbroken or anything, I'm just angry at him for being so lame, and at myself for being a gullible idiot when I KNOW that boys are stupid and the only way to deal with them is to throw rocks at them.

In other bad news, apparently we're in the times of recession and my town can't really afford to pay me. So the job that they blew out of all proportion into this awesome opportunity ends after only three weeks. Yes. I will have worked for exactly 3 weeks and that's it. Which means I came home from Krk at least a month too soon for nothing. Let me put this into terms anyone could understand: I could've made $1,000. Instead, I'm gonna make $200. Our Mayor is stupid and I want to throw rocks at him.

Last but not least is the old dude from the class. Now, he's around 75 and doesn't own a computer. Clearly, it was never gonna be an easy task to teach him anything. So for the past two weeks I've been trying to teach him and the rest some basic things about Windows XP. Now, the first week all we did was to create, rename, move, delete, open and close, copy an paste FOLDERS. Also, to move files between FOLDERS. Also, to search for files in different FOLDERS. Then we created some Word documents that we saved in FOLDERS. When they were to continue formatting text in a certain document or so, they had to go to a certain FOLDER, open the document, and then, at the end of the class, save the document in the same or some other FOLDER. The icon of the little yellow folder should be engraved into everyone's brain by now. Yet when I tried to teach them how to add an attachment to an e-mail today, and the window to browse their documents opened, I could see that the old dude had no idea what to do. "Open this folder," I said. He stared at the screen. "Do you see the folders?" I asked, to which he replied "Yes!" while continuing to read the options in the toolbar!!! (I know because he moved the cursor under the words he was reading, okay?!

How can you not recognise a freakin' FOLDER when you see it after two weeks of staring at them?! Is it because you're stupid and rocks should be thrown at you? Why yes, I think that just might be the case.

Or I'm a terrible teacher. ... Nah, that can't be it, surely.

So... rocks. I'll be needing some.

4 spoke back:

Gringa-n-Mexico said...

Future Ref. - If you have time to speak or think past one-syllable repetitions during sex - then he ain't that great anyway. Just sayin' ;D

Krissie said...


Don't be taking me quite so literally.

darth sardonic said...

i was gonna say, no one should ever try to think rationally when someone's dick is in them. but i am just guessing. and of course, leave it to gringa to beat me to it.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry he was so stupid. You kind of have to be completely brainless to ditch a woman like you.