Sunday 2 May 2010

"I'm okay!" the cake said.

The roof is fixed.

In other news, the glass on the oven door exploded yesterday.

5 spoke back:

Gringa-n-Mexico said...

Exploded?? SHIT YO, that's.... scary as hell! So, what were you baking anyway??

Krissie said...

Just a sponge biscuit. Apparently, we're the 4th people we know that had their oven door explode. That's what our government gave us when we returned home after the war, the cheap bastards.

Sgt said...

Glad to hear your biscuits (and the rest of you) are ok. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Woah, I'm never baking a cake again... Nah, I'm just happy you're still in one piece.

Krissie said...

LOL Sgt, thanks?! :P

Now, now, Bel, I don't want to be the reason Sam never gets cake anymore!