Saturday 3 April 2010


The Inappropriate Egg Stickers Edition

This little dude at least had the decency to turn around, thus hiding his ~business~ from us, the innocent by-standers.

This one, however... Well. Let's just say it's a good thing everyone in my family is an adult.

Easter Text -

6 spoke back:

Gringa-n-Mexico said...



Krissie said...

Well, yeah.

:/ I'm not getting it...

Gringa-n-Mexico said...

Gah, I was being silly/snarky by trying to say that you can't say "everyone" because that would include you. And you're, you know, you can see the humor in things like that so it makes you not entirely "adult." You know, like, you've got some 12 year old boy humor going on. Which is awesome and stuff.

That's what I was trying to say.


Dag gummit.

Sgt said...

That's ok Krissie.. she explained it and I'm still lost.

Happy (belated) Easter

Krissie said...

Good to see I'm not the only one.

Also, HI.

Sgt said...

Hey. I would have stopped by sooner, but someone locked the door. I've been slowly bringing sand up from the beach to build a hill tall enough to get in the open window and.. well.. here I am ;-)