Saturday 12 June 2010

I am surrounded by morons

#1 Yesterday there was a rerun of the "Jeeves & Wooster" pilot, and as I was watching it, my sister said: "Who is that actor? He looks so familiar!"

#2 I entered the kitchen today and saw our ancient little square fan turned on, but facing the wall. "Why is it facing the wall?", I asked as I turned it around. "Oh," my mother exclaims. "Is that why it's not cooling me? I thought it didn't matter which way it was turned, I figured it blew air both ways."

#3 My sister bought a new mixer with a rotating bowl. Unfortunately, one of the kneader wouldn't fit through the whole because of the plastic in it. I heard raised voices and complaints from the kitchen, so I went over there to investigate. The consensus seemed to be to go back to the store first thing tomorrow morning and demand new kneaders, because these clearly didn't fit. At least, until I pushed the plastic in with the kneader and it clicked.

2 spoke back:

Gringa-n-Mexico said...

LOL and then you come here and deal with me. :D

Krissie said...

True, but by then I'm at least fully equipped for dealing with you. :P