Monday 24 August 2009

I'm watching youuuu

From the bushes.

No, seriously, we had a voyeur in front of our room last night. It was around 11pm, my sister already asleep, me at my desk reading fic, mom asleep... when the phone rings. The neighbour from across the street called to let us know there was a creep on a bike in front of my window looking into my room. Then the neighbour's husband shouted out: Seeing anything interesting there?, so the creep climbed his bike and drove away.

But I mean, I sat at my desk fully dressed, reading. What was there to see? It's not even creepy - it's just sad. Personally, I think he was just watching TV.

7 spoke back:

Gringa-n-Mexico said...

OH MY GAWD !!!! GAAHHHHH! Cool neighbor yo. Perhaps he was mesmorized by your beauty and aparent intelligence. Or was there something good on the t.v.? Damn though, for real, cool neighbor.

Krissie said...

Haha, yeah. Thank God for the elderly who don't sleep but keep an eye on the unprotected maidens.

Gringa-n-Mexico said...

You maiden you. You are quite damsel-ee yes? :P

Krissie said...

God, I hope not.

LadyN said...

he liked your new hair. ;-)

ps. scary.

Krissie said...

LOL Yeah, my hair.

darth sardonic said...

maybe he has been pining for you for ages now and is just too horrendously shy to venture talking to you, so the closest he can ever come is to watch you fully clothed reading your book.

yeah, you're right, that's just sad.