It's Saturday before Easter and I'm rather bored. I've coloured the eggs. See?
I was out on Thursday with some friends from high school but I can't say I enjoyed it. I was bored. It's hard to find something to talk about with people who you haven't seen for years. Not to mention the horrible music that was playing. If the music sucks ass, I just can't have a good time. Simple as that. It was nice to see Vilim, though. But we talk now almost every day so there were no awkward silences.
Sonja wanted me to go out tonight but I said I didn't want to. I hate going out in this goddamn village. Same old people and again, the worst music ever. So no, thank you. I'm such a party breaker, I know. Well whatever.
In the other news: I haven't been bitten by my dog for a while.
ETA: Sonja was just here and asked if I could get her "Love you till the end". What an awesome idea! I got the entire soundtrack and I am loving it! I enjoyed the music in "P.S. I Love You" so much, especially that song and "Galway Girl" but the thought of getting the soundtrack never crossed my mind. I'm an idiot. But at least I'm an idiot who's listening to some lovely tunes.
In the other news: I haven't been bitten by my dog for a while.
ETA: Sonja was just here and asked if I could get her "Love you till the end". What an awesome idea! I got the entire soundtrack and I am loving it! I enjoyed the music in "P.S. I Love You" so much, especially that song and "Galway Girl" but the thought of getting the soundtrack never crossed my mind. I'm an idiot. But at least I'm an idiot who's listening to some lovely tunes.
2 spoke back:
The eggs look very cool.
I haven't decorate eggs for a long time now.
I might do it next year ;)
I am not a "go out at night people".
I used to use the cigarettes smoke as an excuse, though it is very true.
But now it is not allowed to smoke so friends keep pushing me to go out at night. Damn my couch potato ass. lol.
And I totally get your point on the crap music too.
Btw, you are looking good girl!
High School reunion, the jury is still out on that... I sure wouldn't know what to tell them after the ususal "what are you up now?" and would I care enough to pay attention.
Hey you look GREAT Kris! Did you lose weight?
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