Showing posts with label theatre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theatre. Show all posts

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Stand by the stairway, you'll see something

It's Sunday morning and my Mom comes (WTF? I just paused for a second to think about whether I spelled "comes" correctly.Seriously, brain, what gives?) to our room to tell us about a phone call received. A friend of theirs called to inform them that his son came home with a girlfriend, possible future wife. Um, should we call people to let them know that our children are seriously dating people? So I was like, OMG Call him back and say sister's BF was here last night! AND he will most likely come by again tonight. I mean, the world should know, right? People today... *shakes head*

I managed to collect the music from Kauboji. Actually, I'm missing one song that just doesn't exist. Seriously, I googled the parts of lyrics I remember but all I'm getting is some religious hymn and that's just not it! And it's an awesome song. Why doesn't it exist on teh intrawebz, why?! What a cruel world this is...

But for the music that I do own, I have a new mp3 player to play it on. Well, you know, music and audiopr0nz. AND BOOKS! Normal books, like this Dean Koontz's novel I'm listening to right now, Forever Odd, the second in the Odd series. But the mp3, let me show you it. Isn't it the cutest thing ever?

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Kud bih s tobom, osim u teatar?

Holy freakin' shit, Kauboji was as awesome as the first time I saw them, only better because I was closer and Živko was right there in front of me. *sigh*

But a month ago I saw what has to be the worst play ever. Seeing how it was a class requirement, we're supposed to write a review. And so I did. In Croatian. I don't have the time to translate it now, but maybe I'll do it at some point tomorrow or later this week. Anyway, I'm sure some of my readers would appreciate some quality bashing so here you are:

Šokirana Šokicom

Najnovije uprizorenje igrokaza Šokica Ilije Okrugića ponajprije je veliko razočarenje. U pitanju je možda najgora predstava koju sam imala prilike vidjeti. Nekoliko je razloga za ovakav moj doživljaj predstave.

U kazalište sam došla s predznanjem o značajkama hrvatskog romantizma uopće te drame istog razdoblja. Upozoreni smo da obratimo pažnju na pojavu poznatih nam elemenata u predstavi. Zadatak nije bio nimalo lak budući da se romantizam u predstavi pronalazi tek u tragovima.

Tema je, naravno, zabranjena ljubav prožeta domoljubljem, tako tipična tema onodobne drame. Ovaj put je u pitanju bila zabranjena ljubav dvoje mladih različitih vjeroispovijesti, katolkinje i pravoslavca, uklopljena u prizore ratnog stradanja koji imaju zadaću doprinijeti tragici priče. Kao da izvanbračna trudnoća i prisilno razdvajanje nesretnog para nisu dovoljno patetični sami po sebi.

Sljedeći element romantizma koji upada u oči jest namjera predstave da prosvijetli publiku, da ju nečemu poduči. Opet, posve tipično za romantizam. Nažalost, to je izvedeno nadasve nespretno, gotovo grubo. Glumci se obraćaju direktno publici i govore joj o razdoblju u kojem se priča odvija te što će se dogoditi, kako na početku, tako i tijekom pa i na samom kraju predstave. Čini se da se time htjela postići komika, no smatram da je krajnji rezultat nešto posve drugo: narušen je kontinuitet priče i, kao najgore od svega, posve je izgubljena bilo kakva ozbiljnost izvedbe. Teško mi je zamisliti da bi autor to odobrio.

Osim općeg izmirenja zavađenih strana nad mrtvim tijelima dvoje nesretnih ljubavnika, to bi bilo sve od viđenih elemenata romantizma.

Velika zamjerka predstavi svakako je i izbor glumaca. Sandra Lončarić (Janja) i Mario Rade (Božo) jednostavno su prestari, posebice u odnosu na Vjekoslava Jankovića (Pero). Možda bi se to dalo i zanemariti da im izvedbe nisu bile toliko nenadahnute, toliko lišene života da je bilo upravo naporno gledati ih kako se spotiču preko svojih rečenica.

Ne mogu se nazvati kazališnim stručnjakom, ali smatram da je režija bila izrazito loša. Koja god da je namjera redatelja Dražena Ferenčine bila, čini mi se da nije ostvarena. Imam dojam da se nije mogao odlučiti želi li prikazati priču u tradicionalnom obliku ili ju modernizirati. Ako je htio unijeti svježinu i novost u priču, zašto su onda kostimi toliko nalik izvornim nošnjama, nimalo stilizirani i modernizirani? A ako je htio zadržati izvorni duh drame, čemu onda već spomenuto direktno obraćanje publici i moderna glazba (da spomenem samo Brothers in Arms Dire Straitsa kao glazbenu kulisu rata)? Povrh svega, u cijeli taj miš-maš stilova i razdoblja, ubačeno je i kazalište sjena.

Teško je reći koja je svrha ovog uprizorenja Šokice. Znam samo da se publika u kazalištu komešala u stolicama, a vjerujem i da se Ilija Okrugić okretao u grobu. Potpuni promašaj predstave prepoznali su čak i osmoškolci koji su loš doživljaj upotpunili svojim upadicama koje su dobacivali glumcima, za što ih nimalo ne krivim.

In other news, I was completely shocked today when Tajana and I got a B on our oral report on "Female Writing". Three other today's reports were all graded with Ds. Not that I'm complaining or anything, I just think the professor was rather unfair. It was just... uncomfortable to be there.

You guys, it's so fucking cold here! I want to cry when I think about going out in the cold. I want summer back! Heat'n'sweat, that's my thing. This snowy, icy, frosty crap, I'm so not cut out for.

I finished listening to the fourth and final (so far) part of the Twilight series and I think... God help me, I think I miss it already. The lulz that it brought was fantastic! Can you recommend equally crappy audiobooks for my listening pleasure chagrin? I also saw the movie and OMG, how horrible is its score? I don't think I've ever heard worse music in a film. It almost drowned the awfulness that the acting of the ~stars~ was. Almost.

I found a Croatian fan of Supernatural on LJ by pure accident. And she (*squee*) is from OSIJEK! And she's two years older than me, not some fangirling 14 year old! AND we are supposed to go see My Bloody Valentine together! She, just like me, needs a hand-holder while watching a horror film. And if that goes well, maybe we'll go see Friday 13th together as well. You guys, I am so excited about meeting another Supernatural fan in real life! There's no one in my life to share that with, no one. But now, now there might be. *flails* Also, my boys are returning to TV this Thursday! *flails more* Oh, life. You suck mostly, but on occasion you reedem yourself.

Monday, 15 December 2008

Oh happy day!

First and foremost: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAJA!

Second: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! FIRST ROW FOR "KAUBOJI"!!!!! *flails* FIRST FUCKING ROW! I stretch my hand and I can touch the stage! Can't wait! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!1!!!

Third: My sister found a bottle of Deep Red by Hugo Boss under her bed! I missed that perfume so so much! I'm so happy we apparently have one left. Not that I don't like my current one, Gucci by Gucci (duh!), but this is DEEP RED!

Fourth: Tentacle rape. On TV. Last night. And I thought to myself: This is relevant to my interests. OK, I know that tentacle rape in manga is like... Dylan Dog meeting a vampire. Or Marten being afraid of Faye. Basically, nothing unusual. But after scenes from cartoons where various tentacles raped body orifices of different characters, there was a real naked man, positioned on his elbows and knees, and a naked woman who was rubbing his bare ass with an octopus, which was, I can only assume, dead.
Tentacle rape - if the octopus is dead, you're doing it wrong.
Next thing I know, someone will be suggesting to spank me with a carp.

Sunday, 21 September 2008

As A Character In The Play Said: Holy Mary Mother Of God!

That was. So. Fucking. Awesome. Three hours of pure pleasure. It's magic on the stage, I'm telling you. This particular cast, they're made of awesomesauce.
From the very beginning we were laughing and clapping and enjoying the play so, so much. The theatre was packed. We've heard they don't remember such a huge interest for a play as it was for this one, and I can tell you - completely justified.
It's a play in two acts, the first one starts with the audition and rehearsals for the play, and then the second act is the play in the play. The "actors" are pretty much the bottom of the barrel, only hired cuz no one else auditioned. LOL They're a bunch of freaks with lots of personal issues, but it's awesome to watch how they become a team and friends for life through the production. The girl, LMAO, oh she's fantastic. First of all, she bursts in blabbing a mile a second in Slovenian which no one understands, and she has this retarded brother who follows her around and then just stands there and drools. Until we find out he can play piano and then he's hired too. LOLOLOL And the guy who plays the main character keeps borrowing money from everyone, he's a total schmuck, LOL. Then he fails to return the money to this one guy ("Are you a Serb?" "No, I'm not." "You can tell us, nothing to be afraid of." "Us Serbs are not afraid." Bwahahahaha.) and then his wife gets beaten up, but when the schmuck apologises, he goes: "Oh don't sweat it, it's all good." So absurd, so funny, so awesome!
And the snake! Ahahahahaha! One guy plays a rattle-snake at one point. He has a little box with something in it and he shakes it to produce the sound of a rattle-snake's tail and pouts his lips and hisses, and OMG moves in the funniest way! He got ovations in the middle of the play for it. (God, I know my words are so insuficient!)
Then there's a forty years old guy living with his mother, who's a total suck-up to the director (the director of the play, Saša Anočić [Živko's older brother], also plays the director of "the play"). His mother keeps calling him on his cell and then he sends her kisses over the phone. LOLOLOL
Živko is... Well, fabulous. Kinda shy and lost, but then woah!, he grabs a guitar and ON TOP OF IT ALL, HE PLAYS THE GUITAR! Be still my heart, because HE'S SINGING TOO! OK, they all sing, and the girl is fantastic. This one guy plays 4 different instruments in the show (the one who's married with 5 kids). They just kept astonishing me over and over again.
There's a rumour of them coming to Osijek again in January and I am so going if they do!
I took some pictures but they're horrible cuz I couldn't use flash and we were pretty far and high but fuck it, I know it's him in the pics. So anyway:
That's me. (I know, no shit.) See how far I was from the stage?

Živko... *sigh*

He plays guitar... *deeper sigh*

Plus, he's so hot... *brb, taking a cold shower*

OK, so my pics are horrible so here are some good ones stolen from Facebook:
And now we play dead. LOL

Tough gig, being the only woman in the play. LOL

Seriously, do you see that body?! Hellooo, pecs!

We interrupted the scene with applause when they did this. So great.

Oh and I almost forgot to mention the music that was just great! Blues and rock and what not. Fave tune? "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" - CCR FTW! Also, "The Last Time" by The Blind Boys of Alabama, "Well Well Well" also by them, "The Tennessee Waltz"... Just all of it was amazing, including their performances.

Saturday, 20 September 2008


Finally it's Saturday! Kauboji tonight! OMG I'm so excited and can't wait for it. Alas, I've got nothing to wear. Seriously. All I have is jeans. How can I wear jeans to the theatre, how??! the only skirt that was suitable is ruined. The old washing machine managed to bleach out the colour in two places so now there are white spots on dark brown. *furious* And I own no fancy pants. I so fail as a girl. I guess that's another item for my shopping list: fancy pants.

LOL Major Torchwood fail! In the first season we found out Jack Harkness took the name of a captain Jack Harkness after the guy died in WWII. Last night I saw the last two episodes of season 2 and there were these flashbacks to everyone's past and there's Jack, introducing himself as Cpt. Jack Harkness some time in the 19th century! Ahahahahahaha. Inconsistent much? But I still love the show and can't wait for season 3. Which is only gonna have 5 episodes. *sadface* Why the sudden mini-series form, I'll never know.
At least Supernatural is back and it's awesome. Unlike Prison Break which is painful to watch yet impossible to quit. *sigh*

Classes start on October 6. I'm mildly excited about that. It'll be good having some responsibilty and work to do again but when I think of getting up at 6.20am to a cold, dark morning, I just DO NOT WANT. I want summer back!

Next week my sister is going to be on vacation. Do I sense upcoming homicide? (Btw, is it still fratricide if we're both girls?)

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Randomness Or How I Got A Life

I've been clicking on New Post a lot in the past few days but every time I'd found myself with nothing to say. I still got nothing but I figured I'd let you know I was still alive.

Studying. That sucks as ever.
Watching Torchwood. That's just keeps getting better.
Meeting people. That's somehow easier since I've been at Krk.

I was at Puki's (from the R+ forum) for a BBQ yesterday. There were 8 of us and it was nice. Comfortable. And the food was good. There were pics taken for you to see. There were videos made with the close-ups of my boobs but I doubt I'll ever have a copy of that. Sorry, pervs.

Ivana and Andrej

Goran, Ivan, Igor, Miljenko and Ivan

Andrej and Igor

Miljenko and me

Miljenko, Ivan and Andrej: boys with guitars = <3>
Ivan and me

The day before that I had lunch with Sonja. We were in Kovač Čarda where they make the best fish stew in the area. Again, good food, lovely time.

Maja's dad got us the tickets for Živko Anočić's new play, Kauboji (The Cowboys). September 20 is the day. I cannot fucking wait to see him on stage again! It's pure magic, I'm telling you. And hotness. And yeah, sure, he's also really good at what he does.

So you see, it's like I almost got myself a life.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Oh Sadness

Remember me going crazy over this upcoming play? So they're finally coming to Osijek! Squee, yes? No. They'll be performing on June 30. When I'll most likely be on the bus or already at Krk. OMG sadness! I wanted to see Živko on stage again SO MUCH! Stupid me going to earn ton of money at the coast.

In other news, it's Sonja's bday today so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OLD GIRL!

I updated Firefox to 3.0. Kinda nice to be able to save stuff without everything freezing for minutes. Minus point: can't access photobucket. Like, AT ALL. But I can't get to it from IE either so I'm crossing fingers for it to sort out soon or I'll.. I'll... I'll be a sadface.

I'm waiting for the flowers that Lindy sent and Mum planted to bloom. One is just about to. Aaany day now... It's kinda awesome to have something real and tangible (not that I'll be petting it or anything, cuz that can't be good for a flower, methinks) and ALIVE from someone "virtual".

Also, Croatia is in the quarter finals! Wooot! Send us positive vibes on Friday, please! Thanks. :)

OMG! I just checked Nick Hornby's blog as I often do (it's on the right in the links) and I cannot but to copy/paste his entirelast post because... well, if I wasn't madly in love with him already, I'd certainly be now:

In his…

…sports column in today’s Evening Standard, former Tory politician David Mellor reckons that “with Croatia and Turkey through to the quarter-finals, it is even more blindingly obvious what a great chance England would have had, if they had qualified. Frustrating, isn’t it?” I had to read this twice, just to make sure that I wasn’t missing some elegantly-disguised irony, but I’m pretty sure it’s not there. Perhaps he has forgotten that the main reason Croatia are playing in Euro 2008 at all is that they beat England twice, home and away, in the qualifying group.

Conversely, the main reason England are not playing at Euro 2008 is because they lost twice, home and away, to the team whose progression to the last eight apparently demonstrates why England might have won the competition.(One can only presume, on recent form, that Croatia would have been quite happy to play England for a third time, in the tournament proper.)

Croatia probably won’t win the tournament, but the “blindingly obvious” conclusion to be drawn from this is that England would have had no chance - not least because England’s qualification would have resulted in the hopeless Steve McLaren still being in charge. Perhaps what Mr Mellor means is that England would have had a much better chance of winning if all the teams superior to them had been banned from entering? This, of course, is a much more robust argument.

Nick Hornby

Wednesday, 30 January 2008


I'm finally going to visit Maja in the hospital tomorrow. Wootwoo.
She apparently got much much better basically over night and is able to speak and read and eat anything she wants.
So OK, listen to this. About the reading part. She asked her parents to buy her this gossip mag, Story, today. And here's the best part: in today's issue there's a picture of ŽIVKO ANOČIĆ and a short article about the new play they're doing. WOOHOO! He's gonna be a cowboy! Oh he's so cute, I'm sure it'll cheer Maja up!
And she better get better so we can go to the theatre together again. Of course, when (and if!) the play comes to Osijek. But YAAY! To everything.

P.S. I took a pic of the pic in the mag. Yes, I am a looney. Gonna post it later. You know you wanna see it. *wink at BJ*

Tuesday, 15 January 2008


Just because a girl needs a new obsession every now and then: Živko in "Shakespeare na Exit"
If you don't remember, it's this play Maja and I saw last year.
And yeah, I'm totally obsessed, I keep googling him and I found his ONE reply on a forum from six months ago but I see no point in registering since he only posted that one time. And I found some girl saying at her blog he once visited it. Lucky bitch. Well, serves me right, me and my privacy! LMAO
Na maslinovoj grani sidin.
Umrla je stara pisma.
Dal' ja pivan ili repan?
Ja repan.

Currently reading: Lionboy: The Truth - Zizou Corder (having the hardest time concentrating, as you can imagine)
Finished today: The Ex-Factor - Andrea Semple (not the best piece of chick-lit but good enough to kill a few hours, funny on occasion, easy to read)

Saturday, 12 January 2008


Pictures from the play:
hot AND a doctor - be still, my heart

Oh. My. God.
I am seriously crushing on this guy. Hello, fantasies!
Cheating on your TV boyfriend with your theatre boyfriend is allowed, right? RIGHT?!
First of all, I was meeting a friend in front of the theatre 2 hours before the play and as got there, Živko was standing there! I almost squeed. I'm such a fan girl. Shoot me now. I grinned stupidly. I'm such an idiot cuz when Jelena came and said HI to him, I so should've asked her to introduce me, but damn, I was completely lost.
Anyway, the play was really good, but then again, how would I know? When he came to the stage, Maja and I GASPED and HELD HANDS. We were in the SECOND ROW! So cool. Jelena's comment was: He ... developed nicely. Damn right! THOSE PECS! And then at one point he was taking his shirt off and we held our breaths but - motherfucking fuck! - he had another shirt on. But he's also talented, his comedic timing is perfect, and he sang and rapped and he's just all kinds of lovely. I'd hit it. And really, how often do I say that? Even with that beard and all.
What was the play about? Beats me.

Pictures not from this play but enlarge them anyway:
on the poster he's the last one on the right
and in the picture below... well, he's shirtless and wet.
Now, if you'll excuse me...

Tuesday, 8 January 2008


I'm going to the theatre on Saturday! Real live theatre! Oh I can't wait! last time I saw a play was last year in the summer. So Maja came and said: Wanna go see Živko in a play? And I asked what he was in and she gave me a weird look and I said: Yeah, who cares. Sure, count me in. And we got the tickets in the second row! Woot woo! I love being close to the stage! To take a real good look at him. lol We were supposed to go to see Enchanted but this is sooo much better!
I got two lovely gifts yesterday, both totally unexpected. One was from Nikolina, who's like my best friend. She spontaneously bought me this headband just cuz I said I liked it a lot.
The other one was this book a girl from Uni, Mia, gave me out of the blue. I have a book for you, she said. Great, I'll read it and return it, I said. Noo, keep it, she said. She got and she just gave it to me. Yaaay. Don't you just love surprise gifts? I do.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

My Girl

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day...
The song's been playing in my head for hours now. Help!

Off to the theatre!

ETA: Back from the theatre. OMG!!! It was fucking brilliant! And completely indescribable. The best part was the actor Živko Anočić, IMHO.