Thursday, 26 February 2009

Picture postcards from L.A. to hang on my refrigerator door

From Tiffany and Christel, respectively. Because they're amazing like that. I love you, ladies!

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

And they've been known to pick a song or two

A while ago my sister came to me with something that has been bugging her. Every morning, while she was at work, a certain radio station would play the same song. A familiar song, a song she sort of knew, but not really. She wanted to know what the song was. This was where I came in. But... Yes, there's a but. But she didn't know who sang it. She didn't know the title of the song. She didn't remember any of the lyrics. She couldn't even hum it.
"Wow," I said. "This won't be complicated at all."
But I didn't give up. I went to the said radio station's site and checked the most played charts. Let me tell you, I clicked on MANY songs. Many random songs that might've been the one she was looking for. Songs that were most often played, and then songs that were played a little less often. And then random songs you could listen to on the site.
None of the songs was THE song. Clearly, I ran out of options. Her only hope was to hear the song while we were together so she could point it out. It never happened.
That was a month, or two, or three ago. I forgot about it in the mean time.
Then, two nights ago a new show started on TV. "Croatia is looking for a star". You know, the Pop Idol thing. So we're watching it and there are candidates and there are judges and they sing and they talk, yadda yadda yadda, and then there's a montage of different candidates with a well know song playing in the background. At that moment my sister points to the TV and yells: "That's it! That's the song I was telling you about!" And I turn to her and I give her this incredulous look, and I can't believe she didn't know what the song was.
Because the song is Sweet Home Alabama.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

She sits alone by a lamppost

When I was 13 or 14, I had three friends. Sort of. They all lived in the building next to mine and we would hang out. Mostly.
But from time to time I'd go to my balcony and see the three of them outside, playing or whatever. The first time I asked why didn't they call me, too. They said they had forgotten. The next time I also asked. They said they were gonna go home in a minute anyway. The third time I didn't even say anything.
We used to go to church every Sunday morning. We'd all get up, meet in front of the building and go. Except for the Sundays when I'd get up and no one would come. Then I'd ring someone's door bell and they'd tell me that oh, didn't I know? they decided they weren't gonna go.

During the war, my sister and I lived at our Grandma's. There were a lot of kids living in that street. It was the time when age didn't really matter, we'd all hang out, aged 7 to 17. Except for when this one girl would bribe everyone with candy into not being friends with us.

For the better part of my life, people were leaving me out. It's how it's always been. But I still haven't learned how to deal with being let in and then kicked out. It's still feels like standing on that balcony looking down.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Still I bleed

When I was 16 going on 17 we returned home. I never had a big circle of friends before, but somehow, in the next year I met a lot of people that had also returned home, just like we did, and we started hanging out. Suddenly I was out every Friday and Saturday with a group that varied from 8 to 15 people. And I loved it. The year between 17 and 18 has been the best year of my life. Suddenly, I mattered. people actually paid attention to me. I belonged. I had friends. I was one of them.
Then, my sister somehow started hanging out with us. My two and a half years younger sister. My gorgeous, friendly, charming baby sister. Before I knew it, she was the one that would get the text messages and I was the one tagging along. She was the one who started dating one of the guys, the one who confirmed her status in the group with that. I felt like I've been robbed. I felt like I've been kicked out. I didn't matter anymore. I was outshined.
One New Year's Eve we all went to a party as a group. Until it turned out that everyone had a pair except for me. After midnight all of my friends disappeared to make out or have sex or whatever, and I was left alone. I didn't want to go home because my Mom would ask about my sister and I couldn't say she was with her 5 years older boyfriend because it was a secret. So I sat at a bus station. In a dress. With my hair up. In high heels. In the early hours of the New year I sat at a bus station because all of my friends had abandoned me. The lowest point? A police car pulling over asking me if I was all right and if I needed a ride home.
Another memorable event was when a guy I liked, really liked, asked my sister to go out with him. And she considered it. It didn't matter how I felt, she was just trying to make that ex of hers jealous. At my expense.
Then she played match maker and set her best friend up with her boyfriend's best friend and slowly but steadily the group fell apart. I lost the best thing that I ever had because someone stole it away.
So yeah, I am needy. And I have issues.
The Internet came into my life bringing back that feeling of belonging. At WFW's I found a group of people that I had things in common with. People who laughed at my jokes. People who could cheer me up when I'd feel bad. People I shared things in my life with, easier than I could ever share them with people in real life. Once again, I belonged.
And then ~she~ (not my sister, obviously) showed up and swooped my friends away. Once again, I felt invisible and unimportant. When she shows up, everything revolves around her and no one talks to me anymore. And you know what? I don't need that. I really don't. So if I want to keep ONE PERSON just to myself, is that so horrible?
Call me a bad person. Call me a drama queen. Call me a bitch. I don't care. I just want to hold on to something for once and not lose it to a shinier new toy.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Everybody just say ahhhhh (ah ahh ahh ahhhhh)

Holy shit, Jared Padalecki!


In other news, YAY, I'm alive! Turns out, the girl, Marina, is NOT a homicidal maniac, but is, in fact, a very nice girl. \o/
Horror movies scare her, apparently. I LOL'd. So did the kids up at the gallery, they sounded like they were having the time of their life. Sadly, we've only got the lame 2-D version. Y SO LAME, SOVIET THEATRE? *chagrin* But still, HOW AWESOME WERE THOSE JENSEN CLOSE-UPS?
I kept saying: Shoulda brought my camera, shoulda brought my camera...

Afterwards we had some coffee and we discussed fic! FIC! I discussed fic speaking Croatian to someone in person!!! It's such a relief being able to say "slash" and not get "Oh, I know Guns'n'roses!" in return.

So I came home and my Mom asks how it went and I say it was great and she asks if we had things in common apart from "that actor" and I say sure and she asks what else and I wave my hand around and say: Oh, you know... this whole thing. and she asks which whole thing and I say it's kinda hard to explain.

Because I doubt she'd react well to me saying: SUPERNATURAL GAY PORN.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Like, open the fridge and stuff, and there'd be foods laid out for us with little pre-wrapped sausages and things.

I'm at R+ forum, as I often am, and this one guy politely asks the others to resize their pictures before posting them by suggesting they hit resize image in imageshack. It's a perfectly reasonable request. Or it would be, if most of the people there weren't complete idiots that have no idea what he's saying. (I was a noob once, too. I know what I'm talking about. Before I went and did anything anywhere on the Internet, I ASKED people how to do it. I didn't just randomly do fucked up shit all over. Mostly. *ahem*) So I say: I love how much faith you have in the users of this forum. To which he replies: Oh, are you trying to say that people on this forum are stupid? And I retort: I'm so not limiting it to this forum.

I got a surprise B yesterday in Syntax of phrase. The professor showed me my exam and I involuntarily went: Whoa! I was actually afraid I might fail. So the professor asks: Surprised? And I say: Totally. I was mostly going on a hunch here. Which, in retrospect, probably wasn't the smartest thing to say, but what the hell.

On Tuesday I had some sort of exam on that renaissance poem thing. We had to answer one question in writing and then add to it orally if it wasn't enough. So I answered the question, but not completely and my grade was leaning more to a B than to an A, and she asked me to tell her what happens in the introduction to the poem. And I haven't exactly read the poem. *ahem* But I read the other one that has pretty much the identical introduction, so I start rambling about this Gypsy that had lost all of her children except this last son, and how she complains about him, and I say: But this remaining one wasn't all that. and the professor bursts out laughing, repeats: Wasn't all that? and gives me an A. Turns out, this year the way to good grades is turning off any filter I might have.

Tonight I'm going to see My Bloody Valentine. Yes, yes, I said it already, but I haven't said I'm a tad scared. I mean, I DON'T KNOW this girl at all. And as we were setting our "date" yesterday, she asked how we would recognise each other, so I sent her my picture, and then I asked: But how will I know you? And she goes: Oh don't worry, I know you now, so I'll approach you. *creepy music playing* Seriously, I heard creepy music playing in my head. Apparently, my life comes with a soundtrack.

I'm sick, sort of. My throat feels like it's been ploughed through. And not in a fun way. But my voice is all deep and sexy. Hah.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

My funny valentine, sweet comic valentine

That's this Friday, people. That's Jensen Ackles. On big screen. In 3-D. Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

Saturday, 7 February 2009

I'm glad he set you free from sorrow


Friday, 6 February 2009

I, I, I will be fine

Here's a song that keeps me smiling. Pure joy. Have a listen.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

These are the days to not be having no fun

Dear new boiler!

I know you're new to the family. Welcome. I hope you're enjoying your stay so far. Here's the thing, though. You're a little boring. You actually provide us with warm water. It's not that I don't appreciate your hard work. I do.

But see, we used to have a boiler that pretended to be doing its job, but wasn't really. I'd get into the tub and it would mislead me into thinking there was warm water, and suddenly and unexpectedly the water would go from warm to freezing. That was fun. In that hell-hath-no-fury-like-a-woman-suddenly-drenched-in-freezing-water kind of way. Every shower was an adventure.

You seem like a nice boiler. Really. But where's the fun in that?



Dear computer!

I love you. You're awesome, quirky and fun. You know what I love the most? It's that little thing you do lately. You know what it is. That ridiculously entertaining random shutting down you do. That? I think that's my favourite thing about you.

Remember when I was recording that long ass story for Ashley today and as I recorded 42 minutes of my speech, you suddenly and unexpectedly just shut down? And nothing I recorded was saved? Yeah. I loved it.

Don't ever change. I'm sure you'll be happy to shut down once and for all when I THROW YOUR FUCKING ASS OUT OF THE WINDOW!



Dear February!

How I love that you've arrived! You just might be the most wonderful of all months!

Already we are flooded with the announcements for romantic comedies on every TV channel available. How great is that? I can't wait to watch endless number of beautiful people being in love and having sex on my TV. That is why Valentine's Day is so awesome - you can watch people rub their fabulous relationships in your face not just on that one day, but every day for two weeks long and then some!

You know what else is just to die for in you, dear February? FINALS. Oh my God, aren't they just the greatest? I love them. My favourite is probably the one in literature. You weren't there, but we had a quiz every single week from October till last week. And then, most of us ended up with not enough points to avoid having taking the final exam, even though the whole idea of having a quiz every single week was to not have to take the final. So isn't this exciting? It doesn't matter that we worked our asses off throughout the semester, because now we get to do that all over again. I'm simply thrilled and overjoyed with what's ahead!

Sweet, darling Februrary! If I could take away even more days from you, I WOULD. DIAF.


Sunday, 1 February 2009

Meet me by the entrance of the tube, we can talk things over little time

This may never happen.
This MAY happen.
Aarika might come to Croatia in November. And if (when) she does, I'll be there to meet her.

How far is Split from where you are?, she asked.
As far as can be, I said.
But it's not far enough for me to miss this.

Keep your fingers crossed.